
Annual report

Are you looking for extensive and detailed information about the work of AAP? Then the annual report is the answer. In the annual report you can read all about the methods, goals and results of AAP. In the accompanying financial statements you will also find all financial data.

CBF, ANBI and Goeden Doelen Nederland
AAP is an Approved Charity. This means that we meet strict quality requirements in the areas of governance, policy, spending, fundraising and reporting of AAP. Supervisor CBF monitors this. Through the banner below you can view our CBF accreditation passport, containing the most important information about our objectives and activities and our financial indicators.

AAP meets the requirements set by the Dutch tax authorities for a ‘public benefit organization’, or ANBI. This approval is important because you as a donor can only deduct donations from taxes if an organization meets the requirements of ANBI. It also means that we do not have to pay gift and/or inheritance tax on received gifts and inheritances. So everything actually benefits our work for the animals!


AAP is a member of Goede Doelen Nederland, the branch organization of charities. Goede Doelen Nederland has drawn up codes and guidelines with its members, for example the regulation on executive remuneration. AAP complies with all these codes and guidelines.