Chimpanzee complex
Accommodation for the chimpanzees
In the Chimpanzee Complex we have room for over fifty chimpanzees. The animals have spacious outdoor and indoor enclosures with plenty of climbing opportunities and are placed together in social groups.
The complex consists of three strictly separate units:
- The special care unit
- The resocialization unit
- The chimpanzee quarantine
The special care unit houses the groups of permanent residents of AAP: 26 chimpanzees that have come from the Experimental Animal Laboratory Rijswijk (BPRC) . These chimpanzees are infected with a transmissible virus, such as HIV or hepatitis C. The animals themselves are not (yet) aware of this, but they are contagious. Therefore, these residents live in a separate wing of the Chimpanzee complex. These accommodations are extra large. Which is nice, since the animals stay at AAP permanently! Their care is largely funded by the government. So these animals can also enjoy their old age at AAP without any worries.
In the resocialization unit we take in other chimpanzees. The animals come from all over Europe and have diverse backgrounds. For example, chimpanzees that were once kept as pets and chimpanzees from the entertainment industry, such as circus animals. These chimpanzees can leave their past behind them at AAP and are placed in a new group here. After this, we look for a new, permanent home for them. This creates space for new chimpanzees who desperately need our help.
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