In quarantine at AAP
All animals that arrive at AAP go into quarantine for a minimum of six weeks.
During this period they undergo an extensive medical examination. The blood and excrements are checked for pathogenic viruses, bacteria and parasites. Each animal has its own treatment plan, which includes diet, medication and ( problematic ) behavior.
Quarantine period
The quarantine period is quite a boring time, as the animals stay in a rather bare space. Unfortunately, this is necessary to ensure the health of the animals. For example, if an animal turns out to have a parasite and it is in a beautiful enclosure with all kinds of play features and wood chips on the floor, it’s very difficult to get rid of the parasite. It may have settled into the lovely soil by now. So the enclosure is kept pretty bare, because then we can clean it well.
Enrichment during quarantine period
We do our best to make the quarantine period as pleasant as possible. We regularly surprise all the animals with enrichment, so that they can look for something tasty themselves. And a baby monkey that misses its mother gets a cuddly stuffed animal. For a lonely chimpanzee we put on soft music or play monkey sounds. And all enclosures have a window, allowing the animals to look outside for extra distraction.
Quarantine staff must adhere to strict hygiene rules. After all, contamination of staff and other animals must be prevented at all times. Monkeys in particular can carry nasty diseases and viruses, such as TB and hepatitis B. Raccoons and skunks in turn can be infected with a dangerous roundworm.
In 2013, AAP opened a new Quarantine with which we have increased our shelter capacity. In addition, the chimpanzee department has its own quarantine. Both buildings have a fully equipped operating theatre, modern examination room and a recovery room. Our Spanish branch Primadomus also has its own quarantine.
Next step
After the quarantine period, the animals move to their new departments. Chimpanzees move to a different wing of the chimpanzee department, the other primates move to the primate house, and small mammals move to the mammal department.