Our approach
for exotic mammals.
Ending the suffering of animals
In Europe, millions of animals, such as monkeys, tigers and lions, are kept as pets, traded illegally or used in circuses and other forms of entertainment. This causes an unimaginable amount of animal suffering. AAP is an international animal welfare organization and believes this must stop!
The two-step approach of AAP
- 1 AAP takes in animals in distress and we make sure they get better. Then we find for as many animals as possible a place where they can stay permanently. We operate in three steps:
- 2 AAP advocates across Europe for better laws and regulations to prevent animal suffering. We focus on:
Tackling causes
Read more about the work of AAP.
Questions & answers - the work of AAP
AAP is determined to reach its ultimate goal: to end the suffering of exotic mammals in Europe! Our dream is therefore clear: AAP is working towards a world in which exotic animals can be ‘animals’ again.
AAP wants, within our (limited) capabilities, to make a difference for the animals that need it most. The combination of both our expertise and insight in rescue and rehabilitation and insight into reported animal suffering, makes it clear to us that these three areas should be AAP’s focus for the time being.
Since our establishment, AAP has been experiencing daily that rescue facilities for exotic mammals are still badly needed. The number of rescue requests continuously exceeds the available capacity of rescue centres. In addition, AAP is one of the few specialized rescue centers in Europe that caters to the fate of specifically exotic mammals. We have been developing this expertise since our establishment, therefore we focus specifically on this group of mammals. If we wouldn’t help these animals, what would be their fate otherwise?
AAP wants to set realistic and achievable goals and therefore focuses on the European Union. In the past 50 years AAP has developed into an expert sparring and solutions partner for many European authorities. AAP’s method of providing practical rescue solutions and expertise on legislative/policy activities is unique in Europe, and brings us in contact with decision makers. As a result, we believe that for the time being we can make the most difference to millions of exotic animals that suffer daily in Europe.
Before AAP takes in animals, we first check if taking in these animals does not pave the way for the purchase of a new animal. If so, AAP would actually be stimulating the demand and therefore be responsible for the trade in new laboratory animals. We do this research in all cases where the animals are kept in a professional capacity. However, with laboratory animals we often run into a major dilemma. If we do not take the primates in, they often end up in terminal studies or they are disposed of as surplus. If we do take them in, new animals are often purchased that have to suffer the same terrible fate.
AAP has insufficient in-house expertise to determine the extent to which primates are necessary as experimental animals in certain experiments. Therefore, AAP calls in the help of animal welfare organizations that have more expertise in this field and that have a large social consensus. Together we then look at whether helping to retire the test primates will contribute positively or negatively to reducing the number of laboratory animals. Finally, when we take in the primates, AAP asks for a contribution to the care costs. This is not because our donors would not be willing to help, but because in our view the cost of a retirement solution should be part of the research budget. The user pays!
Fortunately, as a result of these measures, more and more former laboratory animals receive the future they deserve and there are no more animals getting into trouble: that is what we call sustainable help.
On our own, we cannot solve all the problems surrounding the welfare of exotic animals. That is why we like to work together with similar organizations, authorities and research institutes from all over the world. This is how we increase our impact. Where possible, we also work together with our opponents. After all, they need to be convinced that they too have an interest in animal welfare and species protection.
- AAP is a member of Eurogroup for Animals. Together we work on improving the welfare of non-domesticated, exotic animals within the European Union. For example, AAP works with Eurogroup for Animals against the illegal trade in Barbary macaques.
- AAP is a member of EARS (European Alliance of Rescue Centres and Sanctuaries). Together we strive for sustainable improvements in the welfare of animal species and address the underlying causes, ultimately making rescue centres and sanctuaries unnecessary.
- AAP is a member of Species Survival Network. Together we work on improved (implementation of) laws and regulations, in order to protect species internationally.
- AAP is part of the Dierencoalitie (Animal Coalition) and works with the Society for the Protection of Animals (Dierenbescherming) to improve animal welfare in the Netherlands.
- AAP is part of the InfoCircos coalition, which is working to end the use of wild animals in Spanish circuses.
- AAP is part of the Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR): a coalition of German nature and species conservation and animal welfare organisations, aiming to legislation in Germany and the European Union.
And many more!