Endangered Barbary Macaque gets highest protection status

The endangered Barbary Macaque received the highest protection status as off today. This was decided at the international CITES conference in Johannesburg. AAP Animal Advocacy and Protection stood at the very heart of the proposal submitted by the EU and Morocco for the extra protection status. David van Gennep, director of AAP: “This is great news for the survival chances of the endangered Barbary Macaque!”

Barbary Macaque’s danger of extinction is, above all, caused by the illegal trade for the exotic pet market in Europe. It is the first time in 30 years that the CITES protection status of a monkey species increases. This afternoon the proposal was adopted without objection at the “Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species”. The decision has been formalized on Tuesday, October 4th, one of the last days of the conference.

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